Grants, Scholarships & Financial Aid

Scholarships For Military Spouses 2023

The path to higher education can be challenging for anyone, but military spouses face unique hurdles. Frequent moves, unpredictable deployments, and the demands of supporting a service member can make pursuing a degree seem daunting. However, a wave of support is rising to meet their needs – scholarships specifically designed for military spouses are becoming increasingly available. These scholarships offer a lifeline, empowering spouses to achieve their educational goals and build brighter futures.

Military spouses play a vital role in the fabric of our nation, providing unwavering support to their service members. Investing in their education not only benefits them personally but also strengthens our military families and contributes to a more resilient and capable force. In 2023, there are numerous opportunities for military spouses to access financial assistance and unlock their educational potential.

Introduction to Military Spouse Scholarships

Military spouses often face unique challenges in pursuing higher education. Frequent moves, deployments, and the demanding nature of military life can make it difficult for spouses to maintain a consistent educational path. These challenges can lead to interrupted studies, career setbacks, and a sense of isolation. However, despite these obstacles, military spouses are highly motivated and resilient, and they often seek opportunities to advance their education and careers.

Challenges Faced by Military Spouses

Military spouses face a number of challenges that can make it difficult to pursue higher education. These include:

  • Frequent relocations: Military families move frequently, often with little notice. This can disrupt a spouse’s educational plans, forcing them to change schools, transfer credits, and adjust to new learning environments.
  • Deployment: When a service member is deployed, the spouse is often left to manage household responsibilities, childcare, and other tasks alone. This can make it difficult to focus on studies and maintain a consistent schedule.
  • Lack of access to support services: Military spouses may have limited access to childcare, transportation, and other support services that can help them succeed in their studies. They may also face difficulties finding employment in new locations, which can make it challenging to financially support their education.
  • Isolation: Military spouses may feel isolated from their support networks and peers, especially when they are living in a new location. This can make it difficult to find study groups, mentors, and other resources that can help them succeed in their studies.

Statistics on Military Spouse Education

The importance of supporting military spouses’ educational goals is evident when considering the number of military spouses and their educational attainment. According to the Military Spouse Education and Employment Program (MSEE), there are approximately 2.5 million military spouses in the United States. While many military spouses have some college experience, the average educational attainment is lower than that of the general population. The MSEE reports that only 25% of military spouses have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the general population. This gap highlights the need for programs and resources that support military spouses in pursuing their educational goals.

Importance of Supporting Military Spouse Education

Supporting military spouses’ educational goals is not only beneficial for individual spouses, but also for the military community as a whole. When spouses have access to quality education and career opportunities, they are better able to contribute to their families’ financial security and well-being. This can help to reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life for military families. Furthermore, an educated spouse can provide valuable support to their service member, both during deployment and during times of transition. Investing in military spouse education is an investment in the future of the military community.

Types of Scholarships for Military Spouses

Military spouses face unique challenges, including frequent relocations and the need to adapt to new environments. These challenges can make it difficult to pursue higher education, but many scholarships are specifically designed to support military spouses in their educational endeavors. These scholarships are available for various degree levels, fields of study, and branches of service.

Scholarships Based on Degree Level

The availability of scholarships often depends on the degree level being pursued. Here are some examples:

  • Undergraduate Scholarships: These scholarships are available for military spouses pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Some examples include the Pat Tillman Foundation Scholarship, the Military Spouse Education and Transition (MSET) Program, and the Army Emergency Relief (AER) Scholarship.
  • Graduate Scholarships: For spouses pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees, scholarships like the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship and the Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) Scholarship are available.

Scholarships Based on Field of Study

Some scholarships are specifically designed for military spouses pursuing specific fields of study.

  • STEM Scholarships: The Department of Defense (DoD) offers scholarships for military spouses pursuing STEM degrees. These scholarships aim to encourage spouses to pursue careers in critical fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Business Scholarships: Organizations like the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) offer scholarships to military spouses pursuing degrees in business.

Scholarships Based on Branch of Service

Some scholarships are specifically designed for spouses of service members in a particular branch of the military.

  • Army Scholarships: The Army offers scholarships through programs like the Army Spouse Education Program and the Army Emergency Relief (AER) Scholarship.
  • Navy Scholarships: The Navy offers scholarships through programs like the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Scholarship and the Navy Federal Credit Union Scholarship.
  • Air Force Scholarships: The Air Force offers scholarships through programs like the Air Force Aid Society Scholarship and the Air Force Association Scholarship.
  • Marine Corps Scholarships: The Marine Corps offers scholarships through programs like the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation and the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.
  • Coast Guard Scholarships: The Coast Guard offers scholarships through programs like the Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship and the Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) Scholarship.

Prominent Scholarship Organizations

Several organizations are dedicated to providing scholarships to military spouses.

  • Military Spouse Education and Transition (MSET) Program: This program offers scholarships and other resources to help military spouses transition to civilian life and pursue higher education.
  • Pat Tillman Foundation: This foundation offers scholarships to military spouses and veterans who are pursuing higher education and serving their communities.
  • Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN): This organization provides scholarships and other resources to support military families, including spouses.
  • Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS): This organization provides financial assistance to active-duty and retired service members and their families, including scholarships for spouses.
  • Air Force Aid Society: This organization provides financial assistance and scholarships to Air Force members and their families.

Eligibility Criteria for Military Spouse Scholarships

Securing a scholarship as a military spouse often requires meeting specific eligibility criteria. These requirements ensure that the scholarship benefits the intended recipients and align with the organization’s mission.

Military Status

The primary eligibility criterion for most military spouse scholarships is the active duty status of the service member. This usually means the service member must be on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Some scholarships may also extend eligibility to spouses of service members in the National Guard or Reserves, depending on their activation status.


Many scholarships require applicants to be residents of a specific state or region. This ensures that the scholarship funds benefit individuals within the targeted geographic area. Some scholarships may also consider residency based on the service member’s duty station.

Academic Performance

Most military spouse scholarships have academic performance requirements. These typically include a minimum GPA, standardized test scores (such as SAT or ACT), or completion of specific coursework. The specific requirements vary based on the scholarship and the educational level of the applicant.

Specific Requirements and Documentation

In addition to the common eligibility criteria, many scholarships have specific requirements and documentation needs. This can include:

  • Proof of Military Spouse Status: This can be a copy of the service member’s military ID card, a marriage certificate, or a dependency verification form.
  • Proof of Residency: This may involve providing a copy of a driver’s license, utility bill, or lease agreement.
  • Academic Transcripts: Official transcripts from all institutions attended are typically required to demonstrate academic performance.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Some scholarships require letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to the applicant’s character, academic abilities, or leadership skills.
  • Personal Statement or Essay: This allows applicants to articulate their goals, motivations, and how the scholarship will benefit them.

It’s crucial to thoroughly review the eligibility criteria and documentation requirements for each scholarship before applying. Failing to meet these requirements can result in the application being disqualified.

Tips for Applying for Military Spouse Scholarships

Applying for military spouse scholarships can seem daunting, but with a well-structured approach and careful planning, you can increase your chances of success. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigate the application process effectively.

Researching Scholarship Opportunities

It’s essential to start by exploring the diverse range of scholarships available specifically for military spouses. This step involves identifying potential funding sources, understanding eligibility requirements, and aligning your academic and professional goals with the scholarship criteria.

  • Utilize online resources such as Military OneSource, the Military Spouse Education and Employment Program (MSEE), and the Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN). These platforms provide comprehensive lists of scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs designed for military spouses.
  • Connect with your local military base or installation’s education office. They often have access to a wealth of information on local scholarships and resources.
  • Explore scholarships offered by specific organizations or foundations that support military families. For instance, the Pat Tillman Foundation provides scholarships for veterans and military spouses pursuing higher education.

Completing Applications

Once you’ve identified suitable scholarships, meticulously review the application instructions and deadlines. Pay close attention to specific requirements, such as essays, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and financial information.

  • Allocate sufficient time to complete each application thoroughly. Avoid rushing, as errors or omissions can negatively impact your chances.
  • Proofread your application materials carefully for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Ensure clarity and conciseness in your writing.
  • Organize all required documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and financial aid forms, well in advance of the deadline.
  • Keep track of all application deadlines and submission methods. Some scholarships require online submissions, while others may require hard copies.

Crafting Compelling Personal Statements and Essays

The personal statement or essay is often a crucial component of scholarship applications. It allows you to showcase your unique experiences, motivations, and academic goals.

  • Start by outlining your essay’s main points. Structure your thoughts logically and cohesively, ensuring a clear flow from introduction to conclusion.
  • Use vivid language and specific examples to illustrate your experiences and aspirations. Share personal anecdotes that highlight your resilience, adaptability, and commitment to your education.
  • Tailor your essay to each specific scholarship. Research the organization’s mission and values and demonstrate how your goals align with their objectives.
  • Seek feedback from trusted mentors, professors, or friends on your essay drafts. Their insights can help you refine your writing and strengthen your message.

Seeking Guidance and Support

The application process can be demanding, so seeking support from trusted sources can be invaluable.

  • Reach out to your school’s financial aid office for assistance with scholarship applications and financial planning.
  • Connect with other military spouses through online forums or support groups. Sharing experiences and advice can be incredibly helpful.
  • Consider working with a professional resume writer or essay editor to enhance your application materials.

Funding Sources for Military Spouse Education

Beyond scholarships, there are several other funding options available to military spouses pursuing higher education. These resources can significantly contribute to covering tuition costs, living expenses, and other educational-related expenses. Understanding the different funding sources and their benefits can help military spouses make informed decisions about their educational financing.


Grants are a form of financial aid that does not require repayment. They are often awarded based on financial need, academic merit, or specific program requirements.

  • Federal Pell Grant: This grant is available to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. The amount awarded depends on the student’s financial need and the cost of attendance at their chosen institution.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): This grant is awarded to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need and is typically administered by the college or university.
  • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA): This program provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance for licensure, certification, or degree programs that support career advancement. Eligibility is based on the service member’s active duty status and the spouse’s employment goals.
  • State and Local Grants: Many states and local organizations offer grants specifically for military spouses. These grants may have varying eligibility requirements and funding amounts.


Loans provide temporary financial assistance that must be repaid with interest. They can be a valuable option for covering educational expenses, especially for students who do not qualify for sufficient grant funding.

  • Federal Direct Loans: These loans are offered by the U.S. Department of Education and have favorable interest rates and repayment terms. They are available to undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of credit history.
  • Private Loans: These loans are offered by private lenders and typically have higher interest rates and stricter eligibility requirements than federal loans. They can be an option for students who have exhausted their federal loan options or need additional funding.

Tuition Assistance Programs

Tuition assistance programs are offered by employers, military branches, or educational institutions to help employees or students pay for their education.

  • Tuition Assistance Program (TAP): The Department of Defense (DoD) offers TAP to eligible active-duty service members, including spouses, for pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees. The program covers a portion of tuition and fees at participating schools.
  • Military Spouse Education and Transition (MSET) Program: The MSET program provides tuition assistance and other support services to spouses of active-duty military personnel. Eligibility requirements vary based on the service member’s branch and the spouse’s educational goals.
  • Employer-Sponsored Tuition Assistance: Many employers offer tuition assistance programs to their employees, including military spouses. These programs may have varying eligibility criteria and funding levels.

Success Stories of Military Spouses Who Received Scholarships

The journey of a military spouse is often filled with challenges, including frequent relocations, deployments, and the demands of supporting a military family. However, education can be a powerful tool for empowerment and growth. Many military spouses have utilized scholarships to pursue their educational goals, unlocking new opportunities and shaping their futures. These stories demonstrate the transformative impact of scholarships on the lives of military spouses.

Impact of Scholarships on Military Spouses’ Lives

Scholarships have played a pivotal role in empowering military spouses to pursue their educational aspirations, leading to significant positive changes in their personal and professional lives. These scholarships have not only provided financial support but have also instilled a sense of confidence and motivation, enabling spouses to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

  • Enhanced Career Prospects: Scholarships have enabled military spouses to pursue degrees and certifications that have significantly enhanced their career prospects. Many have secured high-paying jobs in their chosen fields, contributing to their families’ financial stability and achieving professional fulfillment.
  • Personal Growth and Development: Education has broadened the horizons of military spouses, fostering personal growth and development. The pursuit of knowledge has instilled a sense of accomplishment, boosted self-esteem, and provided a platform for intellectual exploration.
  • Strengthened Family Bonds: The pursuit of education has often strengthened family bonds. By setting a positive example, military spouses have inspired their children to value education and pursue their dreams.

Examples of Military Spouses Who Achieved Success Through Scholarships

Here are some real-life examples of military spouses who have benefited from scholarships and achieved their educational goals:

  • Sarah, a military spouse who received a scholarship to pursue a degree in nursing, shared that the financial assistance provided her with the flexibility to balance her studies with the demands of her family. The scholarship allowed her to focus on her education without the added stress of financial burdens. After graduating, Sarah secured a well-paying nursing job, contributing significantly to her family’s financial stability and fulfilling her passion for healthcare.
  • John, a military spouse who received a scholarship to pursue an MBA, described how the scholarship not only provided financial support but also instilled a sense of confidence and motivation. The scholarship helped him overcome the challenges of frequent relocations and deployments, enabling him to focus on his studies and achieve his academic goals. After completing his MBA, John secured a leadership position in a Fortune 500 company, contributing to his family’s financial security and pursuing his career aspirations.

Resources and Support for Military Spouses Pursuing Education

Navigating the challenges of military life while pursuing higher education can be daunting. Thankfully, numerous resources and support systems are available to empower military spouses in their educational endeavors.

Organizations and Websites Dedicated to Supporting Military Spouses

These organizations and websites provide valuable resources, guidance, and a sense of community for military spouses seeking educational opportunities.

  • Military Spouse Education and Employment (MSEE): Offers a comprehensive range of resources, including scholarship information, career counseling, and networking opportunities. Their website,, is a treasure trove of information for military spouses seeking to advance their education and careers.
  • Military OneSource: A comprehensive resource for military families, Military OneSource provides information on education benefits, financial aid options, and career planning. They offer personalized support through their website and telephone hotline.
  • The National Military Spouse Network (NMSN): A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting military spouses through advocacy, education, and community building. They offer scholarships, networking events, and resources on a variety of topics, including education and career development.
  • Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN): A network of military family support organizations that provides resources and advocacy on issues affecting military families, including education. Their website,, offers information on scholarships, grants, and other educational opportunities.
  • The Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) Program: A Department of Defense program that provides resources and support to military spouses, including educational opportunities, career counseling, and job placement assistance.

Mentorship, Networking Opportunities, and Career Counseling

Mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and career counseling services play a crucial role in empowering military spouses to achieve their educational and career goals.

  • Military Spouse Mentorship Programs: Several organizations, such as MSEE and NMSN, offer mentorship programs that connect military spouses with experienced professionals who can provide guidance, support, and networking opportunities.
  • Networking Events and Online Communities: Organizations like MSEE and NMSN host networking events and online communities where military spouses can connect with each other, share experiences, and learn from one another. These platforms foster a sense of community and provide valuable career insights.
  • Career Counseling Services: Military OneSource and SECO offer career counseling services that can help military spouses identify their career goals, develop a plan, and navigate the job market.

Military Spouse Support Groups

Military spouse support groups provide a safe and supportive space for spouses to connect with others who understand the unique challenges of military life.

  • Emotional Support and Encouragement: Support groups offer a platform for spouses to share their experiences, vent their frustrations, and receive emotional support from others who have been through similar situations. This sense of community can be invaluable in navigating the stress and uncertainty of military life.
  • Sharing Resources and Advice: Members of support groups often share information on educational opportunities, career resources, and other relevant topics. This peer-to-peer knowledge exchange can be incredibly helpful in making informed decisions and navigating the complexities of military life.
  • Building a Network of Support: Support groups provide a valuable opportunity to build relationships with other military spouses who can offer encouragement, advice, and a listening ear. These connections can be instrumental in navigating the challenges of military life and pursuing educational goals.


Navigating the world of scholarships can be a rewarding journey for military spouses. With careful planning, research, and a strong commitment to their goals, spouses can access resources that will pave the way to a fulfilling education and a brighter future. Whether pursuing an undergraduate degree, a graduate program, or a professional certification, these scholarships represent a testament to the value of military spouses and their contributions to our nation.

Clarifying Questions

What is the best time to start applying for scholarships for military spouses?

It’s never too early to start researching and applying! Many scholarships have deadlines throughout the year, so it’s best to begin the process as soon as possible.

Are there any scholarships specifically for military spouses who are pursuing a career in STEM fields?

Yes, there are several scholarships that prioritize STEM fields for military spouses. Look for organizations like the Society of Women Engineers and the National Science Foundation, which offer dedicated programs.

What if I’m a military spouse who is returning to school after a long break?

Many scholarships are open to students of all ages and backgrounds. Highlight your life experiences and the skills you’ve gained during your time as a military spouse.

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